Want to know What is Keyword proximity in SEO means the distance between two words or phrases and how they close to each other within the body of the text. If terms are very close to each other, then it has a higher weight.
Keyword proximity in SEO means the gap between two words or phrases and how much they should be near to each other within the body of the text.
The two focus keywords are close to each other in that case, highly the weight for that keywords proximity phase see.
What is keyword proximity in SEO Example for you:-
The future of digital marketing is very luminous. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss the future of digital marketing.
- “Digital marketing” is one of the highest-paid job profiles.
- If your target search keyword is “Digital marketing“.
The distance within the words, “Digital” and “marketing” should stand close to each other for higher proximity.
Keyword Prominence in SEO
It would help if you used a keyword early or more often to ensure that it will be prominent throughout the page. You must follow the below guide to ensure the prominence of your keywords.
- Use keyword/ keyphrase in meta title and description.
- Make it a point to put the keyword in the first sentence of your article.
- Include keyword/ keyphrase in the titles and headlines of your web content.
- Use enough keyword/ keyphrase within your web content so that search engine spiders will know what your page is all about.
Keyword Prominence Another Example
- Digital marketing is the most creative way to make money online (no distance between the words.
- Learn Digital which helps to grow in this digital word (some distance.
In other words, the keyword proximity means how close keywords are to each other within a body of text lets take an example website contains the keywords that makeup search term “Moblie app and website development company” in the heading “Top mobile app company in India and USA also for website development in 2019“.
- In the given example the search term proximity between the “Mobile app” and “website development” is seven words (“company in India and the USA also for” seven words in between).
- From the search engine point of view, the proximity between keywords should be zero words. keyword proximity and prominence
What is keyword proximity in SEO
Keyword proximity in SEO means the distance between two words or phrases and how they close to each other within the body of the text. If terms are very close to each other, then it has a higher weight.
Keyword proximity in SEO is an essential part of on-page SEO. It will help if you put your primary keyword always at the beginning of the content because more is keyword prominence better is SEO
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