Are you confused about “How to write a blog in India” The blog is abbreviated by a weblog? A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other websites. Many blogs focus on a particular topic such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology.
So here your wait and search is ended make your own blogs, but didn’t know to start? Start your search on our page, learn how easy it is to create a blog, and get started today.
If you have not started your blogs, you must check this post. You will find more interest and inspiration after reading the stories of these top bloggers. Even you will find lots of tips and ideas about blogging on their blogs.
Here are some top bloggers who earn easily through a blog and now your turn to get inspired by these people.
Passion = Strong Interest = Awesome Content = Great Result.
Top Blogger in the world
1. Amit Agarwal (labnol)

Amit Agarwal is India’s first expert blogger who spearheaded blogging in a genuine sense.
Fundamentally he had a place with a business family. In 1999 he finished his graduation and began working for ADP Inc in Hyderabad.
In 2004 he propelled a tech blog named Labnol (Digital Inspiration). Labnol blog is tied in with exploiting programming apparatuses and web innovations available.
2. PritamNagrale (MoneyConnexion)

He began his first blog in 2009 however was generating the web salary since 2004. In 2004 he was doing affiliate promoting for eBay and different organizations.
Today his complete salary is more than $1 million. He is conceived and raised in Kota (Rajasthan). He used to go to digital bistro and quest for online salary openings was his leisure activity.
3. Harsh Agarwal (ShoutMeLoud)

Brutal Agarwal is an Engineer by Education yet a blogger by profession. ShoutMeLoud is one of the well-known web journals in India.
In 2009 he propelled his blog named ShoutMeLoud.Between working at Accenture and blogging he picks blogging as a vocation.
ShoutmeLoud has more than 1 million endorsers and gets over 1.5 million sees every month. According to his last Income reports he earns $20000-40000pm
4. Shradha Sharma (YourStory)

Shradha Sharma is India’s top ladies blogger who is the organizer and Chief Editor of the year 2008 she filled in as an associate VP at CNBC TV18 and a brand consultant at The Times of India.
In the most recent 10 years, YourStory has distributed more than 60,000 tales about business visionaries on their blog.
Shardha Sharma has a long foundation in broad communications before propelling YourStory.
Her site gets more than 1 million perspectives consistently producing income over $20,000/month (approx.).
5. Arriana Huffington – Huffington Post

Huffington Post blog is begun by Arriana Huffington in 2005 which covers points on life and legislative issues.
It is one of the top best blogs on the planet. The winning of this blog is more than $1 billion and the fundamental wellspring of the salary is supported notice through pennants.
The assessed earing of this blog $41,660,000 every month.
6. Pete Cashmore – Mashable
Mashable was established in 2005 by Pete Cashmore. Mashable distributes articles on innovation, diversion, culture, science, travel, and some more.
The wellspring of pay of this blog is immediate promotions in various configurations. The gauge Earning is $3,330,000 every month
How about we investigate how to make an effective blog first. These means are helpful pieces of building your blogging procedure —
all things considered, you have to guarantee you’re making incredible substance before showcasing it.
So, without further delay, let’s learn how you can start a blog today.
Read this also…
How to write a blog in India

Here are the Power Steps to become a successful Top blogger in (2020)
- Step 1: Select a blog topic.
- Step 2: Picking the hosting to start the blog
- Step 3: Select the blogging platform
- Step 4: Pick a domain name & hosting
- Step 5: Install WordPress on the blog (Tutorial is given below)
- Step 6: Setup the design of the blog:
- Step: 7Setting up WordPress plugins to add more features
- Step 8: Write your first blog post
- Step 9: Share your blog with the world
- Step 10: Track and analyze your blog’s success.
Before you go into action steps, let me cover some valuable facts. In this section, you will find details on why you should start a blog.
A blog can help you inform, educate, promote and even sell. In the meanwhile, here are several reasons why many people make a blog and enjoy blogging:
- It helps enhance writing and thinking skills.
- To establish expertise.
- To increase self-confidence.
- To network with others in the market and industry.
- To make money blogging.
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Example: How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step:1 Select a blog topic
You must first find your niche. In short, a niche is a topic that you write about most often, or even exclusively, in your blogs.
How to choose a niche for your blog in three easy steps
- Easy to recall
- Easily to type
- Easy to pronounce.
What is a domain name? A domain name is the URL of a blog that a visitor will use to open a blog.
are ready to do something more meaningful and don’t confuse yourself with and self-hosted WordPress blog.
It means you will be installing WordPress on your own hosting and getting a domain.
When you’ve chosen a domain name for your excellent blog, you’re prepared to sign up for web hosting.
Step 2: Pick a domain name & hosting
An absolute first thing to discover the specialty of your blog. By specialty, I mean finding a subject that your blog will be about.
In addition, Google which is the greatest web search tool locates the new site and uniqueness of the blog. So if google locate these a site will rank no problem at all.
Presently, the unavoidable issue is
How to discover the subject of your blog?
Here are a couple of tips that will support you:
Step 3: Select the blogging platform
• Find a theme that you know better than any other person. Attempt to contemplate the subject that you generally prefer to discuss.
• The smart thought is to pick a point that you, for the most part, read increasingly about it.
• Make sure you have a checked out a specific point, and you can include values with your own knowledge.
For clarifying: take a book and pen record the points in various columns that you like most i.e.Motivation, Fashion, Photography, Technology, Make-up item audit, etc.
Step 4: Pick a domain name & hosting
This will guarantee that you won’t wear out when your blog goes live. In this way, I expect you have chosen the specialty for your blog which can bring in some cash for you.
End – Selecting the ideal specialty is the first and the most significant advance for beginning another blog.
In WordPress, there is an idea called “WordPress subjects”. These are instant plans that are accessible for a wide range of blogs.
There are many Free and premium WordPress subjects out there.
I generally prescribe to go for a top-notch subject since you will get all the help and starter control, and also, you will have a quality structure for your blog.
Step:5 Install WordPress on the blog (Tutorial is given below)
There are a large number of WordPress modules out there. Underneath I have referenced just those modules which you ought to install from the very beginning.
Peruse this instructional exercise to figure out how to install a WordPress module.
Here are modules which you ought to have on your recently made WordPress blog:
- Yoast SEO
- ShortPixels
- WP Rocket
- Jetpack by
You can discover a rundown of the best WordPress modules here.
There are a lot more modules, however, the above modules will guarantee that you have all the fundamentals module introduced on your blog.
On the off chance that you have followed, all the means up to this point, your blog is up and prepared.
Presently, comes the part which you ought to do over the timeframe and that is including new substance.
Step:6 Setup the design of the blog
Blog design is the most important aspect of your blog because a good design will ensure that your visitors will love your blog.
In fact, that is how your readers will remember your blog. Imagine your blog design as you with a nice outfit. WordPress, there is a concept called “WordPress themes”.
These are ready-made designs that are available for all types of blogs.
There are many Free and premium WordPress themes out there. I always recommend to go for a premium theme because you will get all the support and starter guide, and moreover, you will have a quality design for your blog.
Here are easy to use modern theme clubs which I would recommend you to start with.
Genesis: This is a standout amongst other subject systems out there. I utilize this for ShoutMeLoud. You have to purchase the topic, and skin to make it appropriate for you.
Astra topic: This is a lightweight topic which offers the format for all sort of web journals.
When you introduce this subject, you can pick from the instant layout and your blog configuration will be prepared inside 30-45 minutes.
This is an ideal ally for any new WordPress blog.
Peruse: How to Install a WordPress topic
There are a lot increasingly premium WordPress subject clubs out there, yet I suggest any of the over two for an expert beginning.
Step:7 Setting up WordPress plugins to add more features
Your blog’s topic is basically focused around looks, yet modules assist you with including new functionalities.
For instance, on the off chance that you need to show a feed of your Instagram pictures, a module can assist you with doing that with no specialized setup.
Finding a module isn’t at all troublesome considering WordPress is so well known.
The specific modules that you’ll require rely upon what usefulness you need, so we can’t give you a particular rundown. Be that as it may, here are a few suggestions for modules to kick you off.
All bloggers ought to consider these best WordPress modules. Also, in light of the fact that magnificence web journals are very picture engaged and social, you may need a picture display module or a web-based life module.
What’s more, here are the means by which you can show your Instagram feed on WordPress utilizing a free module.
In the event that you need assistance introducing any of these modules, look at my tenderfoot’s manual for introducing WordPress modules.
Step:8 Write your first blog post
Before you start writing your first blog post, you should make a content plan.
Presently, this is the place the genuine enjoyment starts, composing your first article.
Here are the rules to enable you to choose what your first blog entry ought to be about.
I will share a portion of the articles connect underneath to kick you off, yet here are hardly any tips which will guarantee you don’t commit errors a beginner typically makes:
At the point when you are composing your substance, envision there is an individual sitting beside you, and you are conversing with the individual.
Write in the principal individual tone, on the grounds that there is a solitary individual who is perusing your blog.
For instance, you are perusing this blog entry alone. That is the reason you may see, my tone is “I” and “You”.
Your substance should cover all the parts of the theme you are expounding on. Don’t hesitate to compose 1000+ words.
Try not to duplicate pictures from Google. Or maybe utilize these locales to download allowed to utilize pictures.
You can likewise install recordings from YouTube. Here is an instructional exercise on the most proficient method to do that.
On the off chance that you wanna skirt the general group and level up your blogging game, at that point read my guide on SEO copywriting.
This will guarantee whatever you will compose will assist you with driving incredible traffic from web crawlers.
Step: 9 Share your blog with the world
Presently it’s a great opportunity to dispatch your blog! This is the energizing part — you at long last find a workable pace content you’ve been striving to create.
Since you have the arrangement off the beaten path, you’re prepared to share your first blog entry.
WordPress makes it simple to make a blog entry. When you sign in to your WordPress dashboard, go to Posts → Add New
You can utilize the content manager to compose and organize your post – it’s a great deal like Word in that you can utilize the toolbar to include arranging, embed connects, and perform different activities.
You can likewise tap the Add Media catch to transfer and addition pictures.
When you finish your blog entry, you should simply hit Publish to make it live:
Step:10 Track and analyze your blog’s success.
Make sure to follow and investigate the accomplishment of your blog after some time. To do this, choose which measurements matter most to you and your business.
When you see how a particular measurement adds to a positive result, at that point you’ll have the option to make your blogging procedure more focused on.
Instances of blogging measurements you may follow include:
- Number of readers and subscribers
- Number of page views per post
- Number of conversions
- Number of backlinks
- Number of referrals
- Overall traffic
While applying these measurements to the objectives you’re hoping to set, consider the accompanying inquiries to give solid focuses on that bode well for your business.
Does this objective assist you with accomplishing your motivation, or is there something increasingly pertinent we can desire?
Is this objective lined up with the activities of different pieces of our business?
Which measurements track the advancement towards this objective? Are these measurements reciprocal or strange?
When you figure out which measurements you’re going to utilize, start by defining objectives for a 60-day time span.
This gives you sufficient opportunity to see whether your procedure is working and afterward you can adjust your objectives dependent on the outcomes you see.
Share Your Blog On Social Media
When you have built up your blog, make your blog social with the goal that your perusers can join your locale. You simply need to begin and no compelling reason to worry, as again I’m here to direct you with the best assets.
To get social with your blog, you need a Facebook page, Instagram account, Twitter account.
Presently, Make cash from blogging in a simple step
There are numerous ways by which your blog can procure automated revenue for you.
Here are probably the most well-known ways:
- Google AdSense
- Member showcasing
- Supported substance (Get paid for expounding on others)
- Amazon member program
- Direct promotion deals
- Claim advanced items like eBooks, Online course
I have secured every one of these parts of blogging cash right now: How to bring in cash blogging.
Blog Marketing Strategies:
When you’ve worked through the means to make an effective blog, you can apply them to make a bigger methodology that advances and markets your substance to your intended interest group.
1. Decide your blog’s motivation.
The initial segment of building up your showcasing system expects you to unmistakably characterize your blog’s motivation.
You decided the theme your blog will be about above, yet that is not really its motivation.
When pondering your blog’s motivation, ask yourself, “For what reason does this blog exist?”
You ought to have the option to respond to that question in one, direct, characterizing articulation.
(Report your blog’s motivation to you can allude to it as you develop and your business advances.)
On the off chance that you need assistance characterizing your blog’s motivation, pause for a minute to ask yourself these inquiries:
What is the more prominent reason your organization is attempting to satisfy?
What story underpins this reason?
Who shares your energy for this reason?
Is your group lined up with the significance of this reason?
2. Continuously keep your purchaser personas top of the brain.
When composing, overseeing, and planning your blog — or taking a shot at anything identified with your blog, truly — keep your purchaser personas top of the psyche.
Your purchaser personas are your objective clients, or the gathering of individuals you intend to offer to.
Ask yourself, “Who are our optimal clients?” and “For what reason do they need our item or administration?” Once you can respond to these inquiries in detail, you’ll be nail down your purchaser persona(s).
Utilize this free layout to make your business’ purchaser personas.
When you make your purchaser personas, report a nitty-gritty portrayal of who this individual is so you can reference it has your business and blog develop.
You ought to have the option to allude to this depiction each time you compose another blog entry.
To get a more profound comprehension of the activities your purchaser personas are likely going to take, examine the practices of your intended interest group so you can adjust and tailor your blog substance to address their issues such that push them to change over here and there.
To lead this kind of client to explore, you can utilize:
- Questions and answers discussions (Quora, Yahoo! Answers, or Fluther)
- Web-based life (LinkedIn Groups, Twitter Advanced Search, and Google+ Communities)
- Content creation instruments inside your industry or specialty (BuzzSumo or Topsy)
- Different online journals (remarks and associations on websites like yours; your rivals’ sites)
3. Keep an eye on your competition.
Discussing your rival’s online journals, it’s imperative to watch out for these other idea pioneers in your industry.
Your rivals give knowledge into what’s working (or not working) as far as blog content among your intended interest group.
It additionally discloses to you a smidgen about what they’re exploring different avenues regarding and what you’ll have to achieve to stick out and furnish your perusers with an important substance they can’t go anyplace else — something exceptional to your business and your business as it were.
At that point, search for holes in their substance so you can exploit them. To assist you with doing this, utilization instruments like QuickSprout, Open Site Explorer by Moz, and SEMRush Competitor Research.
4. Perform SEO and catchphrase explore.
At the point when one of your clients look through expression on Google (or any web crawler), you need them to discover your blog (or website page), not a competitor’s
To get this going, devote some opportunity to inquiring about which catchphrases and expressions your intended interest group is composing into web indexes so you can remember them for your blog entries where they normally fit.
At the end of the day, you’ll essentially improve your odds of positioning on the internet searcher results page (SERP) by performing proper site improvement (SEO) and catchphrase look into before composing your blog entry and afterward joining those discoveries in your substance.
Note: HubSpot clients approach an inherent watchword and SEO instrument to help with this.
Concentrate on your blog’s SEO and watchword inquire about with HubSpot CRM’s Content Strategy device.
5. Choose where you’ll disseminate your blog content.
Deliberately figure out where you’ll disperse your blog content. You picked a host for your blog effectively, which means your substance is likely as of now effectively shareable on your site.
For instance, on the off chance that you utilize the HubSpot CRM and blogging programming to have and deal with your site and blog, it’s easy to add your articles to their relating greeting page on your webpage.
Different ways and stages through which you may convey your substance incorporate web-based life, for example, Facebook or LinkedIn, and web-based distributing stages, for example, Medium.
You may likewise work with industry pioneers, specialists, and influencers to share your substance on their sites and social profiles.
6. Update and repurpose your substance.
Making blog substance can be tedious, particularly when you expect to direction expert in your specialty with investigated, keen, and arranged posts.
This is the reason refreshing, repurposing, and republishing your current blog content is so important — it spares you time and vitality yet it additionally permits you to proficiently accomplish the outcomes you’re searching for.
I don’t get my meaning by this? All things considered, positioning in the SERP with a net new post takes essentially additional time (I’m talking months) than a refreshed post.
Which means, you’ll see a positive effect sooner in the event that you begin repurposing existing posts instead of exclusively making new substance.
7. Advance your blog content.
It’s most likely safe to accept you need your blog substance to be as discoverable as could be expected under the circumstances.
As far as your blogging system, this alludes to your capacity to get your substance out there so individuals from your intended interest group discover, read, and (ideally) share it.
There are numerous inbound strategies you can use to advance your blog. We addressed a couple of choices above, yet another normal type of viable blog advancement includes an influencer promoting procedure.
Begin advancing your substance with the assistance of a free influencer showcasing guide.
To start, distinguish the key influencers in your specialty or industry you need to contact and work with. These ought to be individuals your present clients and target crowd see as tenable, dependable… what’s more, truly, persuasive.